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All State 2000-2009


First Team

Billy Baron, Hendricken

Billy Soriano, Mount Pleasant

Mike Juarez, Cranston East

Aston Watkins, Classical

Frank Robinson, Mount Pleasant

Second Team

Antjuan Jones, Woonsocket

Ethan Smith, Cranston West

Avery King, St Raphael

Pucci Angell, La Salle

Jay Jeanotte, Narragansett

Ricky Ledo, Hendricken


First Team

Brendan Degnan, Hendricken

Billy Baron, Hendricken

Jerell Gomes, Feinstein

Antjuan Jones, Woonsocket

Ashton Watkins, Classical

Second Team

Shaun Hill, Hope

Mike Akinrola, Woonsocket

Pat Sturdahl, Exeter/WG

Mason Choice, Rogers

Jeff Holmes, St Raphael


First Team

Mike Marra, Smithfield

Jeremi Hall, Hope

Antone Gray, St Raphael

David Rufful, Hendricken

Jerell Gomes, Feinstein

Second Team

Russell Ford-Brown, Mount Pleasant

Adalberto Bueno, Feinstein

Bobby Perry, East Providence

Brendan Degnan, Hendricken

Shaun Hill, Hope


First Team

Jake Grimes, St Raphael

Joe Mazzulla, Hendricken

David Rufful, Hendricken

Ryan Thompson, Cranston West

Calvin Jones, La Salle

Second Team

Corey Connor, Classical

Tom Coulombe, Lincoln

Jerell Gomes, Feinstein

Bryan Rouse, Toll Gate

Alexander Zegarzewski, Chariho


First Team

Dominic Hazzard, North Kingstown

Joe Mazzulla, Hendricken

Donald Carcieri, Hendricken

Edgar Martinez, Central

Patrick Dame, Exeter/WG

Second Team

Bobby Perry, East Providence

Terrance Dunstan, Mount Pleasant

Chris Birrell, Scituate

Adam Murga, Cranston West

Jake Grimes, St Raphael


First Team

Jeff Xavier, St Raphael

Darrell Taylor, Mount Pleasant

Jim Baron, Hendricken

Chris Young, Hope

John Fogarty, Smithfield

Second Team

James Sorrentine, St Raphael

Joe Mazzulla, Hendricken

Connor Evans, Cranston East

Anthony Fiocco, North Providence

Kofo Edmonds, Hope


First Team

Jeff Xavier, St Raphael

Dennis Coelho, Mount Hope

Jim Reynolds, Pilgrim

Darrell Taylor, Mount Pleasant

Sopheeng Toun, Cranston East

Second Team

Stace Garrick, West Warwick

James Lassiter, Hope

Ryan Dame, Exeter/WG

Mark McAndrew, Barrington

Marcus Maddox, East Providence


First Team

Mike Williams, St Raphael

Moses Sonko, Classical

Sopheeng Toun, Cranston East

Brian Ravenelle, Westerly

Matt Pezzullo, Ponaganset

Second Team

Dennis Coelho, Mount Hope

Evan Meekins, St Raphael

Stace Garrick, West Warwick

Tshombe Lambert, East Providence

E.J. Dewitt, Rogers


First Team

Moses Sonko, Classical

Mike Williams, St Raphael

Marc DiFanti, Hendricken

Josean Vega, St Raphael

Derek Grundy, Smithfield

Second Team

Rich Doyle, Rogers

J.P. Corry, Barrington

Fran Murray, Barrington

Sean Geraghty, Hendricken

Frank Gautier, Cranston East


First Team

T.J. Sorrentine, St Raphael

Carlos Moreira, St Raphael

Kenny Studmire, Classical

Steve MelloMount Hope

Rohan Russell, Davies

Second Team

Jesse Starnino, Classical

Gouty Gaye, St Andrew's

Mike Wilson, South Kingstown

Marc DiFanti, Hendricken

Adam Jilling, Portsmouth

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